756 Items presented
Design by Jean-Pierre Mascaron
MY COLLECTOR I am a “Pomelkophile” – a term derived from the Greek “poma”: cork, “elkein”: to pull, and “philo”: to love.
I am, therefore, a lover of and a collector of corkscrews.My collection is not large, but it is interesting and I am constantly adding to it. Discover it on the following pages, which are
organized in the same fashion as the book “La folie des tire-bouchons” by Frédérique Crestin-Billet. You will find pages devoted to the Simple, Mechanical, Lever, Pocket,
Multifunction, and Pub corkscrews.
Tee shape corkscrew: also called “T” shaped corkscrews. Due to their shape their use is intuitive, but it
requires a significant effort to extract the cork. However, the variety of forms and the materials used in their fabrication can make them beautiful objects to collect.
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Mechanical corkscrew: a corkscrew is considered “mechanical” as
soon as it is no longer “simple” – that is, it was improved for easier use.
# 748, 749 and 750.
Levers corkscrew: these corkscrews are also considered “mechanical”, but differ from their
precedents by the addition of levers: either one or two “arms”, which reduces the effort needed to extract the cork.
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Pocket corkscrew: the corkscrew was quickly miniaturized so that it could be carried
in a pocket. Many solutions were found to protect both the corkscrew and the transporter!
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Multifunction corkscrew: everyday life has always required multiple
accessories to be permanently within reach – although the items have changed over the years, the principle has not. In addition to the corkscrew proper, multipurpose corkscrews initially had
various utilitarian objects - clock keys, knifes for cutting sugar, utensils for lacing shoes (or corsets) – attached.
Pulled corkscrew: These corkscrews were invented first of all to emerge the beer bottles, its popularity
increased with the frequentation of the bars and the pubs.
Figural corkscrew: Undeniably utilitarian, corkscrews have taken yet another path in the Twentieth Century : the figural
corkscrews to represent the shapes of the visible world, or takes these forms, definitely identifiable, like material. Between The most famous corkscrews we find: the "pisseux", keys, objects of
navy, animals... Designers have noted the shapes of people, animals, and even common objects and, wherever possible, incorporated these into their newest corkscrews. Elegant or ordinary, staid, fanciful,
or even outlandish.
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